Blog Archive

Monday, September 28, 2015

4 month Brinley

○ Wears size 1 diapers but we've bought size 2 bc the 1's are getting awfully snug!  😀
○ Wears 3-6 (barely) but mostly 6 months clothes because she's so dang long.  They just hang of of her midsection but what can ya do?
○ 25.5 inches
○15.11 lbs
○ 6 oz of formula and 1 bowl of rice cereal a day

Dearest Brinley,

Your personality is developing faster than I can keep up and that makes my heart ache and rejoice at the same time. My feelings about you growing are just a big contradiction.  I want you to stop growing but I want to see the person you're going to be.  I dread you not "needing" me but I long to see you as an independent adult. I love you being a baby but I hate all the vomit and screaming with no other communication.

Someday,  my sweet,  you might have a child of your own and you'll feel the same heartache and confusion and joy and peace that I feel with you and Michael. Everything about my life is made better because you are here.  I know there will be someday when you're an angsty teenager and you think that no one loves you or cares about you- do not believe this horrible lie.  You were longed for,  you are loved,  and most of all you are needed.

Love, Mama

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