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Saturday, May 4, 2013

6 Month Michael, April 25 2013

Nom nom nom...toes


FINALLY got one with his legs down.

Did you say cookies??


6 Month Michael likes to:

  • Spit...and giggle about the spit he just got all over your face.
  • Drool a loooot, teeth coming??
  • In bed by 9:30-10:00 and awake by 8:00 
  • Lift himself up when lying on the floor but cry because he doesn't know what to do next. 
  • Squeal as loud as baby humanly possible
  • Hug the dogs
  • Fake coughs then laughs
  • Reach for mommy and daddy
  • Mood swings, much?
  • Stare at himself in the mirror
  • Pull on his ears
  • Sit up on his own
  • Stare at daddy and I while we eat
  • Reach for toys on his highchair tray
  • Chew on anything available...again, teeth coming?
  • Suck on his toes
  • Hold his toes...seriously, we can hardly get him to let go of them. 
  • Stare at his toes...he just loves his toes, okay? 
  • Giggle when mommy makes kissy noises at him
  • Be held all.the.time...we have hit that stage...ugh.
  • Be able to see mommy or daddy at all times. 
  • Watch the dogs wrestle
  • Still loves those baths...especially the head scrubbing. 
  • Smile sheepishly..seriously adorable. 
6 Month Michael stats:
  • 26 inches long
  • 22 pounds (yeaaah....)
  • Wears size 4 diapers
  • Has three (or four) solid food meals a day. Some oatmeal or rice cereal and at least one whole jar of baby food..and 2 ounces or formula or juice depending on what we have. 
  • Still eats 5 ounces of formula in between main feeding times and throughout the night. 
  • Can wear 9-18 month clothes. We couldn't find any sleeper suits to fit him so we had to shop in the toddler section...the pants fit but uhh the shirt is too short. #mommyofagiantbabyprobs
  • Laughs when dad sings like "a grinch".
  • Sits up all on his own and usually catches himself if he's falling over. 
  • Still belches like a champ. 
  • Terrorizes the dogs...and they love him anyway. 

Michael went to the doctor on 4/29 because we had been searching for a pediatrician and finally found one...He got his shots and for the next few days after that he either had a high temperature or was running fever. He woke up throughout the night crying because he was in pain or just felt yucky so Russell and I had him on a Motrin every 4 hours regimen. Since then though, he's been better. 

The doctor was UH-mazing...He was so gentle with our little Prince and he thought Michael's size was comical...for once, someone who doesn't criticize us and tell us we're feeding our kid too much. Russell was quick to tell him that we only feed him when he's hungry and the doctor reassured us that Michael was healthy. He told Russell, "I give him an A+ health report!" 

Michael is in the 97th percentile for weight (woops) and 60th percentile for height (really? only the 60th percentile?!?) His head circumference was a perfect 50th percentile. The doctor suggested (told us) to get Michael a convertible car to booster seat. He told Russell "Um...he's a little too tall for that infant seat..he probably has been a little too tall for awhile." To help Michael's continued tummy troubles he suggested we buy prune with apples mixed in baby food to help things along. To my surprise, he really loves it! :) 

Michael is STILL so much fun even though he's gotten to be a little more attached than he used to be. He's so much more interactive which is fun and does things that he thinks are funny. Like spitting, or fake coughing, or throwing his toys on the floor over and over again. He's the best. Seriously. Get one, they're fun. ;) 


  1. I love hearing/reading the joy you have for Michael. It makes me smile! He's a stud!

    1. Thanks, Angela! We think he's pretty great. :)

  2. What?! People say he's too big? How is that any of their concern? I think he's precious.

    1. Yes! And I knew you would comment on that fact because people.are.rude. "Oh my often do you feed him?" "How much are you feeding him? Oh, well isn't that too much for someone his age?"
      Um, I think he knows when he's not hungry anymore...because he will spit the food all over us.

      And thank you, we think he's precious but we're just his parents, I suppose. :)
